Managing industrial water flow or liquid movement can typically involve a chain setup for pumps, combining the pressure of multiple units in sequence. This is common with liquids like water that don’t compress and need increasing force to move through systems at a distance. To manage multiple pumps on an automated basis, controllers are essential, especially the programmable type. The benefit of multiple pumps speaks for itself. There is greater efficiency, cost savings, and less redundancy versus manually operated systems. Of course, there is always the fall back of different pumps versus one as well, even if the single pump is larger and stronger. With a variable frequency drive controller, or VFD, things get even easier, circumventing the need for regular programming of the controllers as well. Water flow isn’t always consistent, so a typical set up has the VFD in control of the first pump, in particular, to be as responsive as possible to changing demand for flow. The VFD sen...